A bellows valve actuator with a force of 5.3kN has been developed ( Extraction and processing of raw materials )

A bellows valve actuator with a force of 5.3 kN has been developed. The mechanism is driven by a linear rotary gearbox with a sine-ball transmission (protected by patent No. 2752356 dated 10/21/2020). Replacement of the nut of the Hook (efficiency (20-30)%) valves for linear gearbox (efficiency >60%):
1. It will increase reliability, including in winter use.
2. At low input torques, it will allow you to obtain large linear forces at the output.
3. It will reduce the overall dimensions and weight of the drive.
4. It will reduce the cost of equipment maintenance.


  • Rated torque: Hm.
  • Gear ratio number:

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    SETC Ltd.
    SME Tomsk Electronic Company
    Electroagregat corp.
    LLC «Mechanic-R»
    JSC «Tyazhmash»
    LLC «OKB Aviation Solutions»
    LLC «Power motor»
    JSC «KEMZ»
    JSC «Kryminntarm»
    LLC «Oil service»
    LLC «Tech Red Prom»
    LLC «Industrial Park»
    UEC «Aviadvigatel»
    Transputmash Trade Company, JSC
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